Hoy, 31 de Enero 2011




martes, 31 de mayo de 2011

Motivational Tuesday

Have you ever been really nice to everybody that someone had to ask "why you are so nice"...?
The world is really messed up, that we need an excuse to be nice?
Let’s just break all that negativity & start working on the brighter side of things. If you feel like me, you can add this post or video to your blog, face, twitter, tumblr, flicker or whatever media you use. I'd be posting once a week anyone interested?  
Pass it on, share the good vibes' to more people. Together lets change, if not the world, at least our attitude among it!

lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011

Como un infante.

We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.
-Dalai Lama

martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

Motivational Tuesday

Have you ever been really nice to everybody that someone had to ask "why you are so nice"...?
The world is really messed up, that we need an excuse to be nice?
Let’s just break all that negativity & start working on the brighter side of things. If you feel like me, you can add this post or video to your blog, face, twitter, tumblr, flicker or whatever media you use. I'd be posting once a week anyone interested?  
Pass it on, share the good vibes' to more people. Together lets change, if not the world, at least our attitude among it!

lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

Better to fight for something than live for nothing.

Serás para ti.

And you think you won
You think you've everything figure it out
The game, the day, the glory
Light for every victory
Every battle where your feet are set to stand.

You might be wrong for an instant or two
You might be right for less than a dime

Fighting at noon & loving at dawn
No sunset, no light nor love
No happy ending to follow your pride.

Just another fool in disguised
Smirk on the face and eyes on the price
But you think you can have me
And leave to drawn
While your tail runs behind some other tail
You think I'd be crying and falling apart
Miserable dreaming a dream
made, used and wasted
Fearing tigers, nights and... you.
You might be wrong for an instant or two
You might be right for less than a dime

Just a fool in disguised
An arrogant fool
To think that my sunshines
rely on your eyes & not in my hands.

While you run to the next
I'd be forgetting your name
No sunset, no light nor love
will remind me of you.

And, you'll be thinking on me
'cause you know you will be...

Serendipity tutti insieme, facendosi strada a noi

I did took a risk after all
to be inmortal with you.

domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011

Messing around

Mi sister messed with my room & my closet...
It's a big deal. That’s my territory; In my disorder I know my order...
I arrange my clothes by color and style. My room has this Zen, welcoming ignition. And now all I see is mixed color, no style order & a disturbing distribution.
I'm freakin' out. The fact that it was an invasion of privacy and a huge lack of respect is bothering to a boiling point.
I'm reminding myself to breathe...
It's a beautiful day to be mad for small things, but is this a small thing?

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

The most exciting attractions are between two opposites that never meet.
- Andy Warhol

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011


Life is too important to be taken seriously. – Oscar Wilde

Nasty Gal new arrivals:

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

Motivational Tuesday

Have you ever been really nice to everybody that someone had to ask "why you are so nice"...?
The world is really messed up, that we need an excuse to be nice?
Let’s just break all that negativity & start working on the brighter side of things. If you feel like me, you can add this post or video to your blog, face, twitter, tumblr, flicker or whatever media you use. I'd be posting once a week anyone interested?  
Pass it on, share the good vibes' to more people. Together lets change, if not the world, at least our attitude among it!
Life with us & without us
“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”  –Marcus Aurelius

lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011

Ode to Jupiter, Mars and Venus of course

Can you imagine no first dance
freeze dried romance five-hour phone conversation
The best soy latte that you ever had . . . and me

Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star
One without a permanent scar…
Drops of Jupiter, Train
Veil of truth.
Grab my hand and hold it tight
Don’t make me feel your touch
I will ask for your dreams
Take them as my own
Ahead it starts the end
Stars and light worn out
I’ll make them our own
I’ll dare you to let me go
Faded colors of myself
I dare you to make me feel.

Ci vogliono sempre di più

Basta, ciò che è abbastanza per voi?
Carrying everything as a hole
Haven’t you feel empty long enough?
I would say enough is enough
How much is really enough?
Burden of my thirst
Necessary and unnecessary cursed
All greatness may come all along
With one and only one twist of hope
But once, once is never ever enough...

sábado, 14 de mayo de 2011

I am not that strong. You are not that weak

When French meets Latin...Italian may come

I don't know what it is about Italian...
Hypnotizing, without breath
Strong way the words keep tangling in the mouth as they are pronounced
Claro-obscuro momentum of sounds
"H" is always jealous, scared and absent
When the "c" meets your tongue
The battle begins
The Italian way.

martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

What is it about midnight that changes everything?

Así, si voy


Sólo dame un pedazo de tu boca para que nunca olvide que me obsequiaste el cielo. Yo, a cambio, te doy un pedazo de mi corazón para que nunca olvides que te amé.
Blogger: Lunatica
De ideas, locuras.

Si tuviera que decir adiós, este sería mi outfit ideal. El vestido es impactante, sutilmente provocador  pero principalmente  imponente. Deja claro y expone un punto, una cuestion de seguridad y firmeza, vanidad y seducción sin traspasar la línea de lo revelador.
El adiós se llevaría a cabo en París o quiza Viena, cliché nada barato...
Melodrama, pasión, orgullo y estilo, mucho estilo.... Así imagino cada vez que digo adiós...

In attesa di ciò che non verrà

Forget me nots, second thoughts
Live in isolation
Heads or tales, fairy tales
In my mind, come on
Are we? We are, are we? We are the waiting, unknown

The rage and love, story of my life…
Are We Waiting, Green Day

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011

Ce sera une longue nuit, infiniment dur et sans fin ...

Sin vuelo, ni cielo.

No tengo aire
No tengo calma, ni paz, ni cielo
Me falta el ayer
Me falta el verano y el invierno
Alma perdida sin vuelo
Gritos de esperanza
Gritos de dolor y mucho ardor
Gritos que se ahogan...
Gritos que no se pierden.

Il tempo rallenta in momenti duri

Rotto, in pezzi
Ho a malapena a reggersi
My best friend tried to kill herself... for the second time.
She has depression and usually she has to take regular strong pills. She was getting better; it almost was as if it never happened. But things change; they have to, don't they? They say we have to follow our path and that time is just an ally of our destiny, but why is it so scary to some people, why it has to be my best friend.
She has been there for me since ever. She is the one person who knows me entirely, all my qualities, all my freaky-goofy ways, all my flaws that even she thinks they are cute and make me human and tender...
Why does she want to leave me? Why? She knows I need her sooooo bad, she's the one I call at 4:00AM when my only problem was that I couldn't open the JIM jar for my peanut butter sandwich. You know those moments in life when everything seems so strange and you are the newbie and you feel you can't possibly ever fit in... and then just in those seconds one girl snaps into 'ur face and make you realize that you have everything and you don't need to fit in 'cause you are already a winner & winners don't need to fit in, its the other way around... well, my best friend is that kinda girl; The girl who inspires you to be the best you can be (mainly because you don't want to look bad in front of her or disappoint her...)
I can't see her, she is in the hospital and only her parents are allow visiting her... Her parents blame me and another friend for what happened. I know it's not our fault, but why it feels it is my fault.... I should had known better, I should had done something... even when I didn't knew what was happening... I felt something weird and I didn't question why. I just, let it slip away...
I feel broken, pain, I want to stop crying but I can't... and the only thing that I thought could make me feel better was to write about it... but it only made it worst...
I want to see her, I want to snap at her and make things better for her... I want her back; I want my best friend back again...

Monday Monday Monday, It's Monday (The new song by Rebecca Black written on a Monday... jkg LOL!!!)

Yeah it's Monday, the beginning of a new week. I don't know if I should be happy about it or just sad the weekend is over to soon. But what it does seem fair, is to  acknowledge that its almost Friday again!!! :D Just 4 1/2 days to go through. I can do this!

domingo, 8 de mayo de 2011

# 000

101 Goals to set and achieve in 1001 days
Gold Rule:
Be true to myself all the way
Goal # 000:


That sublime moment when reality seems so far away and your own words don't seem to have a sound. There in the depth of your dreams, your thoughts become more tangible; almost vivid, intense full of color and touch. He has a face, a face you see to well in that illusion of smoke. You translate all your inner desires, unaware of them, you picture the moment. A slow, mechanical, graphic moment that is almost to real to believe it didn't happen...

Sometimes, I think I live only in dreams and when I am awake I sleep to deep to really feel...

Against my... reason?

Am I supposed to be impressed by 'ur ability of camouflage?
Oh!!! I get it now I am supposed to feel pity about myself for not being able to play by the rules without being burnt along the way…
Does that seem a little more realistic? I don’t think so.
I still wanna believe that you were real, at least real with me. That you cared, that you still care if I am still alive. Are you?
I might be death, as long you concern; my drama side had to made a point here.
I might, but what is for sure, I am vanished from your life. You left me out.
Easy as it came, easy as it, you took it away.
And, even though all, I don't hold a grudge.
I will keep this sweet innocent image of yours that I will fight to protect against the odds and against my reason and logic as well...

Maybe, Just maybe its time to leave fears behind

Next Dream to Come

OMG OMG OMY! I finished creating my fashion portfolio of suppliers, that only means one and only one thing, that I am almost ready to go to business now and start buying/selling trendy clothes & accessories. I am so so so so happy, I think happy is short to what I feel!!! AND!!!! The best of thing is that I already have two customers waiting on!! jeje, okay it’s my sister and my hairdresser, but hey they are customers (that happens to have an affection relation with me and want me to be successful in the project)...

I live in Mexico, a bit of information about me, in one of the fanciest cities of the country where all the girls are a replica of Beverly Hills 90210, the show... They tend to be followers in all aspects, fashion, opinions, trends, bla , bla, bla. I hate this, the fact that I always express myself mainly in my wardrobe and create new looks that maybe in NY would be adhoc but here, were I live, I am the black sheep... Believe when I say I rather be the black sheep than a follower that has no reasoning and no sense in tastes because they accept everything as a mass and no as individuals. Any way my point was, that precisely because of this lack of individuality I am positively sure that what I am gonna sell is going to be a hit (because society here is so predictable)... Yey!! Negative became the new positive!! Wuju!!!
I still haven't finished with the complete image of the e-store, but I am working on it. Wait 4 it, it's gonna be awesome!!!

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011

Dangerous path you are.

I knew what I risked walking ahead
but, the problem was that I didn't walk, I ran...
How am I supposed to retrive myself into yesterday
Forget what you mean to me & what I feel for you
How am I suppose to die again, run to the blackness and lose my voice
My own power to be free...
Am I lost without you, or I'm in-between?
Save me from nothing, nothing to live for
I am begging you,
don't let me fall...

Kitty kat a bitty not smile on life

Don't try to figure me out
'cause you won't
misterious is my middle name
that, I'm sure you knew.

Tú, solo tú

Porque será que siempre hemos de volved a la escena del crimen.
Hay algo que intoxica el alma, que atrae, que revienta las pocas neuronas que quedan y hierve la sangre.
Así, de esta manera eres mi recuerdo, mi droga...
Mi crimen.

domingo, 1 de mayo de 2011


We shield ourselves. We hide and secure our broken pieces leaving them no place to be seen, but we forget that people are watching. They see our behavior and know us, sometimes too well for our benefit, and they tend to guess the reason of our distress.

We give flashes of our runes trying to hide our shadows. It is mystery that tramp us no other less. The joke's on us, always on us. Timing time, on the most inconvenient way destiny could choose.
“Touché” Life won.
We have still the clock ticking and a whole road worth riding and bumping for. We need no luck, we have luck already at our sides.